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    REPORT: Night Fever. M8, 250m

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    Looks like Nick and Matt Helliker have put up a new route on the Tour Rond West Wall – Night Fever. M8, 250m.

    Check out Nick’s account ‘Fever Pitch’

    “On Thursday 8th of January, the day after the Charlie Hebdo attack, Matt Helliker and I stood beneath the West Wall of the Tour Ronde. The glacier was silent. Peaceful. The West Wall – giant brown granite flakes and pillars stood proud and upright, an erect middle finger, a massive up-yours to all of the craziness and racism and for once I didn’t feel guilt. Separation from everything going on out there, gave me faith in my difference. Being in a wonderful white land, surrounded by mountains that were neither racist, xenophobic, hateful or calling for retribution, gave me hope. Each to their own as long as no-one is hurt, but people are being hurt, the world at this present time to me appeared mad –  long live personal challenge, the challenge of human spirit and the fight against gravity – climbing had suddenly become sanity…”  Read More

    Night-Fever-line-reducedNick 2 Nick 4

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