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    • Young Alpinist Group

      The next generation of alpinists.

    Established by Tom Livingstone in 2020, the aim of the Young Alpinist Group is to improve the safety and knowledge of young alpine climbers, giving them the skills to climb - in alpine style - in the Greater Ranges around the world. Members are already experienced climbers and alpinists, and all are based in the UK, or are from the UK and Ireland. Through regular trips, expeditions, and mentorship from older climbers, members are able to progress faster, more safely, and more efficiently than they would otherwise.

    The program takes participants every three years and acts as a rolling mentorship scheme, where past participants act as mentors for future intakes. The aim is not to fast-track experience, but instead to guide and advise on the journey.

    The 2023-2025 Young Alpinists

    The current cohort of Young Alpinists are:

    Anna Soligo, Michael Chan, Gemma Robertson, Sinead Thin, Naoise Muircheartaigh, Adam Bowman, George Ponsonby, Iain Ballantyne, Will Hempstead, and James Price.

    Photo by Hamish Frost

    Alaska 2024 | YAG Trip Report

    In late April 2024, 7 members of the Young Alpinist Group travelled to the Kahiltna Glacier in the Central Alaskan Range. It wasn't an easy expedition with very changeable weather conditions but the group made the most of it.

    Photo by Naoise Muircheartaigh

    Young Alpinist Group Kit List

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